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    Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches

    Sergeant Class I
    Sergeant Class I

    Posts : 598
    Join date : 2013-11-12
    Location : Southern Minnesota

    Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches Empty Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches

    Post by BM Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:16 pm

    I have recently obtained two patches for the Iraqi Air force College Sqn-203 and one
    is for the instructor.
     I am wondering why the merrowed edge? Was it made in the U.S.? Both backs have Velcro.
    The abbreviation for Squadrons is Sqdns. not Sdns.
     As of 2010 the college was located in Tikrit, Iraq
    I did a Google search and couldn't find any information on Squadrons of the Iraqi Air Force.
    Does anyone have any information on these or these type of patches?
    Thank you in advance.
    Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches Iraqi_17
    Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches Iraqi_18

    Posts : 900
    Join date : 2010-07-22
    Location : Ohio

    Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches Empty Re: Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches

    Post by RedLegGI Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:23 pm

    BM wrote:I have recently obtained two patches for the Iraqi Air force College Sqn-203 and one
    is for the instructor.
     I am wondering why the merrowed edge? Was it made in the U.S.? Both backs have Velcro.
    The abbreviation for Squadrons is Sqdns. not Sdns.
     As of 2010 the college was located in Tikrit, Iraq
    I did a Google search and couldn't find any information on Squadrons of the Iraqi Air Force.
    Does anyone have any information on these or these type of patches?
    Thank you in advance.
    Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches Iraqi_17
    Iraqi Air Force College Sqn-203 patches Iraqi_18

    They don't look theater to me so probably outside of Iraq. The writing in english doesn't necessarily mean it was a US team as many other NATO patches are in english as well. That being said, nice patches, try looking up US squadrons or other nations and see if you can come up with who was training the Iraqi Air Force

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:53 pm