by P-E Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:41 pm
Hum, nothing certain but they are not made in France for sure. They may be US or Canadian but I personaly think they are US made. I mean that's write "french" on the reverse, so that let me think they were produced in various language. I guess that every canadian, even if he doesn't speak french, knows that's french language. So I don't think it was necessary to add "french" for a canadian because he would have know this is french. Don't know if you understand what I try to explain here... Another reason that let me think they are US made : the adress, phone number (,...) for contact are only US.
In addition to this, it's write "Usama Bin Laden" and this is the english spelling ; in french, we usually write "
Oussama B
en Laden".
There're also 2 big french grammar errors that let me think it had been translated in Fench by an english speaker. Here're the two mistakes :
- "Aux Etats-Unis, vous adressez-vous au FBI [...]". In good french, this is "Aux Etats-Unis, adressez-vous au FBI [...]".
- "Usama Bin Laden a été inculpé dans le meurtre [...]". In correct french, it's "Usama Bin Laden a été inculpé pour le meurtre [...]"
Those grammar errors are mistake that a french speaker won't do.
Hope this helps !