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    Collecting OEF/OIF- too soon affects this forum?


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    Collecting OEF/OIF- too soon affects this forum? Empty Collecting OEF/OIF- too soon affects this forum?

    Post by Mercenary25 Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:27 pm

    I've been considering about it.... Everyone knows that OEF/OIF is still going on. I noticed that a lot of collectors don't think highly of moderns (like we discussed in IACMC). I think it is because war is still going on so to them, OEF/OIF is not quite "collectible". BUT most of us modern collectors are stocking up all of stuff while they are cheap so we won't regret we didn't pick items here and there because of value gone up. In retro, Vietnam war era was frowned upon by WW2 collectors then now Vietnam War collectors get their own class and respect.

    Since we all are "underclass" right now, this OEF/OIF forum is probably frowned upon by some vets and big time collectors. Note small number of members here and we didn't make much of progress in growing numbers of members here. What we should to do is continue to contribute reference photos, photos of your collection, discuss about such equipment and gear, etc... As much as possible so one day (probably a year or even more later) when OEF/OIF is becoming more popular and gained some interests from younger collectors from new generation. They would find this forum so in their nature of curiosity, they look through this forum and found that this forum is already packed with useful information which would help us gain more members.

    Another way to spread a word about this forum is by like I stated above, we should have many threads with reference photos and discussions so that way if we're visiting another forum (USMF or IACMC for example) and we spot one topic when a person asked a question that we had already discussed in this forum, we could direct this person to thread. He would probably find it helpful.

    Don't think that this forum is failing. It is only nature that new forums always have fewer members. I read somewhere that USMF was so small that they wondered that they would success and eventually they did, look at how many posts they made daily. Look at IACMC, it is expanding slowly but surely after only two years. We probably won't have as much members as because this forum is totally narrowed down to ONE conflict, but we may one day have a good number of members and posts.

    Just a thought.

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    Post by Nkomo Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:40 am

    I really like this post. It is well written and well thought out. I will second your post. I think you wrote what a lot of "modern" collectors are thinking.

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    Post by bond007a1 Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:12 am

    AMEN from me too...
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    Post by CamoDeafie Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:57 pm

    I concur. however; lately i've been seeing DCUs dry up in some stores and areas....though I'll be headed up to Portland weekend of March 20nd to attend the military collectors show/market thing going on there...will see if i can run into other collectors lol Smile one nice thing is that we now have more opportunity to buy from vets and such who arejust getting out of the Military, OR have their old uniforms after getting their ACUs....I think we will be seeing used ACUs pop up, but we may well have a problem here due to the removable stuff on them...

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    Post by Nkomo Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:03 pm

    I just noticed something on USMF. There is another WW2/Vietnam collector who has just jumped ship and is starting to buy OEF/OIF. He says it is cheaper and he doesn't have to worry about trumped up WW2 items at gun shows. Our collecting field is becoming more crowded as the days progress. All I can say......buy it when you can now.

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    Post by Mercenary25 Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:37 pm

    Arch, invite him to this forum. Smile

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    Post by Nkomo Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:42 am

    Steven and I were talking today about the influx of WW2 and Vietnam era collectors who are now joining the ranks of OEF/OIF collectors. What worries me about this situation is that WW2 and Vietnam collectros are accustomed to dropping at least $100 on a uniform most of the time. I think you will see this mentality creep into this hobby eventually. They may be willing to plop down $75 or more dollars on a specefic DCU they need for their collection, where as you or I would be willing to drop only $40. What I'm saying is that we may sit back and say "WOW! They spent a crap load of money for that DCU!" and they may be saying "DAMN! I got a hell of a deal!". Basically, the prices on DCU's will eventually be so high...collectors like you and I may not be able to compete anymore.

    Take a look at USMF. Whenever a nice DCU pops up at a decent price, it is usually snapped up in a matter of minutes. Many times it is snagged by members who you'd never expect to collect DCU's. Most of the times, they are snagged by WW2 or Vietnam collectors.

    Furthermore, take a look at what decent patched DCU's are fetching on Ebay. I remember a few short months ago that two highly desireable Special Forces DCU's came up for sale on Ebay. One was for a Lt. Col. who was part of SOCCENT and the other was for a chaplain in SOCOM. These uniforms went for well over $300 a piece. affraid These prices are what you'd expect a decent named Vietnam era Special Forces jungle jacket to go for. I remember a patched out EOD DCU sold for close to $150 on Ebay a few months ago.

    Sometimes you can get lucky on Ebay and find several dealers who have patched DCU's relatively cheap. I can guarantee that these uniforms are snapped up quickly by collectors. This is especially true for DCU's that have CIB's or other hero badges. There are several dealers I check on a regular basis. Sometimes I get lucky...other times I don't.

    I will say this again for all of our members....buy what you can now. Every time I hit the surplus stores, I'm being told that more and more people are starting to buy OEF/OIF items...especially DCU's. You can find stripped and unpatched DCU's all day long. However, patched DCU's are disappearing like nobody's business. I used to be able to find 10-20 DCU's when I went on a buying trip. Now, I may come back with 1 or 2. This has all happened in about a year or so.

    It is anyone's guess if collectors will continue to gravitate to OEF/OIF. Personally, I think they will for several reasons. One major reason is that there are so many reproductions in both WW2 and Vietnam collecting. Another major reason is that for many collectors, WW2 and Vietnam collecting is cost prohibitive. In comparison, OEF/OIF collecting is dirt cheap.
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    Post by CamoDeafie Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:03 am

    well here is now a very good question; if more WW2 and VN collectors are paying more for patched DCUS; whats to stop very good fakers?

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    Post by Nkomo Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:06 am

    CamoDeafie wrote:well here is now a very good question; if more WW2 and VN collectors are paying more for patched DCUS; whats to stop very good fakers?
    In short....NOTHING. Another reason to buy what you can now before the fakers start pumping out reproductions. As long as people are willing to pay money for a collectible, there will always be someone ready to defraud people of their cash.

    As of right now, the only real money is in Special Forces type items and hero badged DCU's. That is why these areas are more heavily faked than anything else. Just a bit of information, it is always best to get items off of the soldier directly or find the items around a base. If you rely on Ebay...be careful of fakers. They will more frequently use this medium for sales due to the fact that you can't inspect items in person before buying.
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    Post by CamoDeafie Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:50 pm

    yeah, your reference to stripped DCUS got me thinking

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    Post by Nkomo Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:47 pm

    Exactly. All it is going to take is someone with access to desert patches and a sewing machine and PRESTO....an authentic theatre used DCU. Goes back to my original premise....BUY NOW!

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    Post by bond007a1 Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:01 pm

    What I have a problem with is this...There was a situation on IACMC where the was discussion of some DCU jackets, and one fellow mentioned a couple of guys here, but my self & at least 1 other fellow was not mentioned. Now you say who cares...well you are right, it was not that big of a deal...But that situation made me think about the future. I mean, I know Arch & I have collected OEF/OIF since 2002 or 2003 and in Arch's case earlier, I am not sure about you other fellows, but I am pretty sure it is more recent than us..NOW, we see WWII collectors showing up and getting into the mix, and Lord knows who else. So a number of years from now, when OEF/OIF is BIGTIME...some of these "new & recent" guys to the field will magically become the "masters", the "gurus" the "go-to guys" etc. and THAT will piss me off to no end. There are a VERY SMALL number of "plankowners" if you will to OEF/OIF collecting, and by that, I mean the guy's who are almost exclusive OEF/OIF collectors and have been collecting it since the beginning more or less. And some of us in this forum ARE THOSE GUYS. And it is going to be SICKENING to see guys barely new to collecting this stuff become the so called "experts", We see that same thing on other forums & other venues.

    I mean...does someone collecting OEF/OIF militaria for 1 1/2 years know more than someone collecting for 8 or 9 years or longer...Well, I will say they don't, BUT we are most assuredly going to see it sooner or later... Rolling Eyes So I figure ALL we can do is keep doing what we are, and do AS MUCH research as we can, so we can put the "experts" in their place when they step out of line Very Happy

    OH...and I will put my thoughts on getting the other OEF/OIF collectors into here, so we can all be a "Band of Brothers", There are fellows in the USMF & other forums who are dedicated OEF/OIF collectors...well we need to reach out the hand of membership to them. Unfortunately I don't know them enough to message them. BUT I do have the OEF/OIF banner in my signature there, And even if you have other stuff in your signature line, you can still add our banner here with it. All you have to do is size it down, so it is not so "overbearing" and the more posting you do...the more they see the banner & will hopefully join us here. And when you conduct business with the other members like buying DCU's etc...invite them...I know I have been doing that...except it was for IACMC that many have joined...BUT with preserverance & not too much effort, we should be able to gain some new folks here to share in our exuberance for OEF/OIF cheers


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