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    Painted Helmet

    Master Corporal
    Master Corporal

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    Painted Helmet Empty Painted Helmet

    Post by AndrewA74 Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:56 pm

    Okay, so I've been a little bored...so I saw an opportunity. A CVC shell here, an NVG mount here, you get the idea. SO...I decided to make a modified CVC helmet that mimics the US Army SF Half Head helmets. I'm not yet done, but here is what I have done so far:

    1) Drilled hole for NVG Mount
    2) Painted CVC Shell Black
    3) Painted CVC Shell Tan with net over it
    4) Installed 4 point ACH chinstrap

    Here's what I have left to do:

    1) Expoxy Velcro on the inside for pads
    2) Expoxy Velcro on the right side for IR Flag
    3) Install NVG Mount
    4) Paint a black A74 on the back using a stencil
    5) Install Pads (This is nothing more than sticking on a peice of velcro)
    6) Artificially beat it up (I will not talk about my methods...too many fakers out there)

    SO...here's what I have done so far... Enjoy!

    PS: I put the NVG mount on just for pics right now

    Painted Helmet P1070560

    Painted Helmet P1070562

    Painted Helmet P1070561

    Painted Helmet P1070563

    Posts : 2953
    Join date : 2010-04-03
    Age : 37
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    Painted Helmet Empty Re: Painted Helmet

    Post by P-E Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:36 pm

    There's also some with natural herbs as fern and spray paint on it. It helps to make special camo.

    And if you need special design, as by example a scorpion or something like that, just make a quick research on internet, then print the form and cut it in carton or plastic sheet and add spray paint. This last method is common.

    And if you need to add some "natural" spots in camo, to do it more realist, then let your dog play with it Very Happy and do not forget sand or dust on velcro to make it more realist. ^^

    Now, it's ready for ebay Razz
    Master Corporal
    Master Corporal

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    Join date : 2010-01-09
    Age : 29
    Location : North Carolina

    Painted Helmet Empty Re: Painted Helmet

    Post by AndrewA74 Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:39 pm

    P-E wrote:There's also some with natural herbs as fern and spray paint on it. It helps to make special camo.

    And if you need special design, as by example a scorpion or something like that, just make a quick research on internet, then print the form and cut it in carton or plastic sheet and add spray paint. This last method is common.

    And if you need to add some "natural" spots in camo, to do it more realist, then let your dog play with it Very Happy and do not forget sand or dust on velcro to make it more realist. ^^

    Now, it's ready for ebay Razz

    I would never put this thing up for sale. Smile . Nah, I wanted to keep it simple enough not to be "pimped out" because really and truly, the average SF soldier didn't go all out on his helmet. After I get done with it, I can repaint it as long and as many times as I want. Glad ya like it.
    Chief Master Corporal
    Chief Master Corporal

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    Painted Helmet Empty Re: Painted Helmet

    Post by JKin Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:41 pm

    Add strips of adhesive velcro to it in certain areas. Rather than spraying a callsign, have a black and white velcro callsign placard made and attach it to the velcro. Also get an opscore chinstrap.

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