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    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne

    Chief Warrant Officer Class I
    Chief Warrant Officer Class I

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    Location : East Coast US

    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne Empty Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne

    Post by MyZone Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:24 pm

    I tried to buy this with other gear in a load, but seller would not sell it. Got photos to show here.

    This was made and kept in the platton area while on earthquake relief in Haiti 2010.


    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne 100_3615

    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne 100_3616
    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne 100_3617

    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne 100_3618


    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne Empty Re: Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:11 am

    I find suprising that it's painted on a M1 helmet?


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    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne Empty Re: Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne

    Post by Nkomo Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:32 pm

    I would bet money this helmet was used by the Haitian Defense Forces, was found and decorated by a US soldier. Very cool, MZ.
    Chief Warrant Officer Class I
    Chief Warrant Officer Class I

    Posts : 1660
    Join date : 2011-03-12
    Location : East Coast US

    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne Empty Re: Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne

    Post by MyZone Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:32 pm


    I did not even think of that angle....keen observation - a possibility.

    I try to buy items like this, but sometimes the owner will not give it up. In this case, the helmet found it's way back to the soldier who had painted it.....Still, I try to post photos on the forum as a way to record items "observed in the wild" (as Joefriday recently stated). Typically, the owners have no issues with me taking photos of their items.

    Happy hunting,

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    Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne Empty Re: Painted Helmet * Circa Haiti Earthquake Relief 2010 * C co, 2/325th AIR * 82nd Airborne

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