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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)


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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by P-E Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:43 pm

    I saw Andrew give us informations about an interesting book. I think it's a good idea to help us each other to find interesting books about Iraq war, so here's a short list of book I know (I have some of them). Do not hesitate to post informations about books you know !

    1. Marines in the Garden of Eden - the true story of seven bloody days in Iraq (by Richard S. Lowry)

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) MGE_cover_II_Large

    "The true story of the bloodiest battle in the campaign to oust Saddam Hussein.

    It began on March 23, 2003, a clear Sunday morning in the city of An Nasiriyah, Iraq, where members of the 507th Maintenance Company had become hopelessly lost on their trek through the desert. The enemy ambushed the 507th at first light, killing and wounding twenty-one soldiers and taking six prisoners, including the now-famous Private Jessica Lynch. By nightfall, 18 Marines had given their lives in what would become the battle for An Nasiriyah.

    For the next week, An Nasiriyah was rocked with gun and mortar fire, as the Marines of Task Force Tarawa fought to wrest control of the city from Saddam's fanatical followers.

    This is the story of the battle for "The Nas," as seen through the eyes of the soldiers, sailors, Marines, and newsmen who made it through those terrible seven days, and would never forget what they experienced, what they learned-or those they lost in the name of freedom

    More informations : http://www.marinesinthegardenofeden.com/index.htm

    (only in english)

    2. Special Operations Forces in Iraq (by Leigh Neville & Richard Hook) - Osprey Publishing

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781846033575

    "The companion volume to Elite 163: Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan, Leigh Neville now turns his expert analysis to the Special Operations Forces (SOF) of the US and Coalition allies serving in Iraq since 2003. Filled with recently declassified material, first hand accounts, and unique photographs, this book offers a rare look at the largest mobilisation of Special Forces in recent history. Examining in detail the US Delta Force, the British SAS, Australian and Canadian Special Forces as well as CIA and MI6 operational units, this book provides a crucial study of their skills and success in Iraq, from the Battle of Debecka to storming the safe house of Uday Hussein. In a controversial war that has been plagued by high fatalities and military blunders, this book highlights the successes enjoyed by Special Forces Operatives".

    more informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/Special-Operations-Forces-in-Iraq_9781846033575

    (only in english)

    3. Gulf War II - Operation Iraqi Freedom : the Air War

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Img_6413

    Hunter, Jamie with Holmes, Tony. Gulf War II, Operation Iraqi Freedom: The Air War. TomCat Publishing Ltd, 83 The Street, Tongham, Farnham. Surry, GU10 10D, UK. 2004. 160 pp. 111. $29.95

    "[...] Against an unpredictable ennemy the air campaign was a pillar of moderne warfare. The most potent combat aircraft in service today, all bristling with the very latest in weapons technology, placed in the hands of the finest pilots in the world...Gulf War II provide a visual account of the massive American Involvment under Operation Iraqi Freedom, the UK's vital Operation Telic commitment and Australia's participation under Operation Falconer [...]"

    4. Plan of attack (by Bob Woodward)

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Planofattackbook

    more informations : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_of_Attack

    Exists in some langage : english and French (as title 'Plan d'attaque').

    5. On Point - The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Onpoint2004-05-26

    Probably the best book about OIF, and the most complete ! This book is free available in pdf on internet, or is on sale for few dollars on ebay (between $1 to $15). It's the bible for persons interested by OIF !!!

    On Point is a study of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF) as soon after the fact as feasible. The Army leadership chartered this effort in a message to the major commands on 30 April 2003. In his guidance, Army Chief of Staff General Eric K. Shinseki directed "a quick, thorough review that looks at the US Army's performance, assesses the role it played in the joint and coalition team, and captures the strategic, operational, and tactical lessons that should be disseminated and applied in future fights." The authors worked rapidly and diligently to capture the essential lessons of the campaign; as a result, the study is available today to help leaders at every level.

    More informations (and also possibility to read it online) : http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2004/onpoint/index.html

    in pdf : http://www.cgsc.edu/carl/download/csipubs/OnPointI.pdf

    6. On Point II: Transition to the New Campaign

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Cover

    On Point II is the US Army's first historical study of its campaign in Iraq in the decisive eighteen months following the overthrow of the Baathist regime in April 2003. The book examines both the high-level decisions that shaped military operations after May 2003 as well as the effects of those decisions on units and Soldiers who became responsible for conducting those operations. The authors, historians at the US Army's Combat Studies Institute at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, based this account on hundreds of interviews with key participants and thousands of primary documents. Critical chapters in this book address the decision to disband the Iraqi Army, detainee operations (including the incidents at the Abu Ghraib prison), reconstruction efforts, and the Army's response to the growing insurgency. At the core of On Point II is the dramatic story of how after May 2003, the US Army reinvented itself by transforming into an organization capable of conducting a broad array of diverse and complex "Full Spectrum" operations. This was the new campaign that confronted American Soldiers beginning in May 2003 as they strived to create stability in Iraq.

    also available free on internet, or possibility to read it online : http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2008/onpoint/index.html.

    It also exists in print version, but really rare to find and expensive (around $30 - $50).

    in pdf : link for the full book is dead...but available in separate parts : http://carl.army.mil/download/csipubs/on_pointII/p1_48.pdf

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by P-E Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:01 pm

    7. Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq (by Michael R. Gordon) :

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Cobra_II

    More informations : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_II

    "This military history of the 2003 invasion of Iraq is a comprehensive account based on interviews with key players in Washington and Baghdad, along with access to documents and war reports on battles-in-progress, follow-up studies, and the author's long-term connections to officers and other soldiers, some now retired.

    Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor recount in great detail the Pentagon planning and its coordination with the White House, as well on as key battles and information on the intelligence-gathering prior to and during the conflict, including new information about Saddam Hussein’s war plans

    Available on ebay for cheap price (around $1 to $15).

    8. US Navy Hornet Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Part One) #46 - Osprey publishing

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841768014

    "The F/A-18 Hornet in its various guises was the 'universal soldier' of OIF, with around 250 seeing combat. Flown by various squadrons and groups, the Hornet attacked a range of targets including tanks of the various Iraqi Republican Guard units and government buildings housing elements of the Baath party regime. Apart from its ability to drop precision munitions such as laser-guided bombs, the Hornet was also capable of launching anti-radar missiles and acting as an aerial tanker and reconnaissance platform for other strike types. This book explores the Hornet's versatility which has enhanced its reputation as one of the world's leading strike-fighter aircraft".

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/US-Navy-Hornet-Units-of-Operation-Iraqi-Freedom-%28Part-One%29_9781841768014

    9. US Navy Hornet Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Part Two) #58

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841768854

    "This book explores the role of the US Navy Hornet units in the northern Iraqi campaign. These units were the first Navy Reserve unit to be mobilized since the Korean War, and their attacks were launched from carriers off the coast of Turkey. The conflict for these squadrons was very different from the campaign fought in southern Iraq: they worked almost exclusively with clandestine Special Forces teams from the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy SEALs, British and Australian SAS and Kurdish guerrillas. First-hand accounts accompany the indispensable role these units had in the battle to liberate Iraq".

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/US-Navy-Hornet-Units-of-Operation-Iraqi-Freedom-%28Part-Two%29_9781841768854

    10. F-15C/E Eagle Units of operation Iraqi Freedom #47

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841768021

    "The F-15C/E has formed the backbone of US and Coalition operations in the Middle East for over a decade, patrolling the skies over northern and southern Iraq as part of Operations Northern Watch and Southern Watch. F-15Cs policed the skies for Iraqi aircraft operating in contravention of no-fly zone agreements, whilst the F-15E was constantly dropping weapons onto the Iraqi SAM and AAA emplacements that engaged Coalition aircraft undertaking this mission. The USAF’s use of the F-15 in the region culminated with Operation Iraqi Freedom, which was launched in mid March 2003 in order to liberate the people of Iraq and ensure the destruction of Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass destruction. In doing so, the F-15C was used to protect friendly troops and aircraft from any last-ditch attempt to use the Iraqi Air Force. In the event, the F-15Es of the 4th Fighter Wing saw most prolific use, engaging Iraqi armour before Coalition ground troops moved forward, and providing close air support to soldiers and Special Forces as they came into contact with the enemy. "

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/F-15CE-Eagle-Units-of-operation-Iraqi-Freedom_9781841768021

    11. US Navy F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom # 52

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841768038

    "Since the limited Desert Fox campaign against Iraq in December 1998, the Tomcat has been integral to virtually all combat operations involving the US Navy in the Arabian Gulf. Indeed, on every carrier deployment to the Persian Gulf since Desert Fox, the F-14 unit(s) on station has ventured into ‘The Sand Box’ over southern Iraq and prosecuted targets operating in contravention to United Nations security council resolutions. This book covers the F-14 Operation Iraqi Freedom actions against battlefield targets and integrated air defence sites, command and control centres, regime leadership targets and military installations in Baghdad, Tikrit, Mosul and Kirkuk."

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/US-Navy-F-14-Tomcat-Units-of-Operation-Iraqi-Freedom_9781841768038

    12. US Marine Corps and RAAF Hornet Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom #56

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841768472

    "Some 84 of the 250 Hornets committed by Central Command to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) proudly bore MARINE titling on their rear fuselages. A further 14 were marked with the distinctive kangaroo roundel of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The exploits achieved by the units that flew these jets into combat is detailed in this volume, the third of three titles published in the Combat Aircraft series on what has been dubbed by many TACAIR insiders the ‘Hornet’s War’. Although the bulk of this book deals with the major hostilities phase of OIF I, which ran from 20 March to 20 April 2003, the decade of pre-war OSW missions and ongoing post-war OIF II operations are also covered in significant detail from the Marine Corps perspective. Profusely illustrated with rare frontline photography and more than 30 specially commissioned colour artworks, this book also features the combat experiences of 24 pilots and Weapons Systems Officers. "

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/US-Marine-Corps-and-RAAF-Hornet-Units-of-Operation-Iraqi-Freedom_9781841768472

    13. AH-64 Apache Units of Operations Enduring Freedom & Iraqi Freedom #57

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841768489

    "After the attacks on 11 September 2001, Apache units made significant contributions to the Coalition campaign against Taliban and al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan. Functioning as the 'killer' part of US Army Hunter-killer teams, Apaches sought out and brought overwhelming firepower to bear on Taliban and al-Qaeda forces, as well as providing direct support to Coalition troops on the ground. Apaches spearheaded the advance of the 3rd Infantry and the 101st airborne divisions into Iraq, engaging in some of the heaviest fighting along the western axis of advance. Weather and enemy fire took a heavy toll on Apaches operating in Western Iraq, but the resilience and flexibility of the Apache was central to the success of this campaign. "

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/AH-64-Apache-Units-of-Operations-Enduring-Freedom-&-Iraqi-Freedom_9781841768489

    14. F-16 Fighting Falcon Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom #61

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841769943

    "The F-16, called the Viper by its pilots, has been the most prolific fighter in US and Coalition operations in the Middle East for over a decade. Since the 1991 Gulf War, it has been the workhorse of the UN-sanctioned operations in the region, working in ‘Wild Weasel’, ground attack and air superiority roles. Operations Southern Watch and Northern Watch required daily and continuous combat patrols over Iraqi territory for over a decade – a task that was made simpler by the bountiful supply of F-16s in USAF service, and the fact that the jet has always been able to assume multiple roles and uses. When US President George W Bush ordered his forces into Iraq in March 2003, the F-16CJ was the second aircraft to enter enemy airspace-proper, sweeping the skies for electrons in a bid to find, identify and kill Iraq’s comprehensive air defence system. With the mission fulfilled, hordes of other Coalition fighters followed, including F-16CGs, which were used with great success to strike numerous targets."

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/F-16-Fighting-Falcon-Units-of-Operation-Iraqi-Freedom_9781841769943

    15. US Marine in Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003 #106

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9781841769820

    "Operation Iraqi Freedom officially began on March 20, 2003 and has become one of the most controversial conflicts of modern warfare. Thousands of US Marines were deployed into Iraq in order to topple the dictatorship government and liberate the Iraqi people. This book examines the experience of those ordinary Marines who fought on the frontline of one of the major battles in the operation, the battle for An Nasiriyah. This title details the Marines' enlistment, levels of training and life in the Iraqi desert, as well as exploring their important role in the complex stabilization operations after their hard-won victories on the battlefield. US Marine in Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003 offers a fascinating insight into the modern Marine Corps."

    More informations : http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/US-Marine-in-Iraq:-Operation-Iraqi-Freedom,-2003_9781841769820

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by P-E Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:10 pm

    Deleted by P-E : the reason is that is contains two links that permit to download the books ON POINT I & II (these books were available to the general public in PDF from official website). Sadly, I posted both pdf on megaupload, and now this website is done, so links are dead...

    Last edited by P-E on Thu May 17, 2012 4:36 am; edited 1 time in total

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:24 pm

    Great idea!

    Here are some books I'd recommend.

    1: Shooter: The autobiography of the Top-Ranked Marine Sniper

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 51MgCL6WNUL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:26 pm

    2: Special Forces: War Against Saddam Hussein

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 51tXB%2BxyN8L._SL500_AA300_


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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by P-E Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:14 pm

    And here's one more I particulary love ;

    16. Hunting Down Saddam: The Inside Story of the Search and Capture by Robin Moore

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 73408310

    "The inside story of the hunt and capture of Saddam, from the New York Times bestselling author of The Hunt for Bin Laden and The Green Berets.

    The doughty author of The Green Berets and the instant-seeming The Hunt for Bin Laden gives us this jumbled but valuable set of accounts of crucial operations in the Iraq war. The focus is on Special Forces, to which the author remains loyal, given his background with them going back to the Vietnam War.

    Moore, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, went to Iraq last year, at the age of 78, and followed Task Force VIKING's (the military uses all caps when referring to such objective-oriented groups) work with the highly factionalized Kurdish armed forces, as well as Task Force DAGGER's infiltration of southern Iraq, neither much covered in the general media.

    Also unique to this book is the narrative of a 4th Infantry battalion's operations in Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's hometown and a center of continued Iraqi resistance, where American troops and their Iraqi allies accomplished a good deal of nation building, or at least peacekeeping, while taking casualties. The grand finale is, of course, Saddam's capture in a "spiderhole" outside Tikrit, where the story had to end in order to meet the publication deadline. This may have led to the slightly rushed feel of the prose, but the pro-military tone is expected from the author and his assistants and informants, most retired or serving military.

    Also rushed, but vivid, are portraits of those Americans who are still at the "sharp end" in Iraq, who deserve knowledgeable portrayals of and full credit for their dangerous work, which they receive here. This book adds to our knowledge of how Spec Ops have been integrated with regular units (with a high degree of success) in the last generation, and it will appeal to Moore's established audience and to serious students of Special Operations, along with most people interested in the Iraq war. The pressing topic should carry many readers over the book's awkward prose and fragmented structure. (Mar. 11) Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.
    ". (comments from : http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Hunting-Down-Saddam/Robin-Moore/e/9780312329167).


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    Post by Nkomo Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:26 pm

    One I highly recommend. New Dawn: The Battle for Fallujah by Richard S . Lowry

    Here is a video link detailing the book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnC1ONEm3OU

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) New_da10

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by Misanthropic_Gods Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:54 pm

    Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al Qaeda: A Personal Account by the CIA's Key Field Commander. The book the CIA doesnt want you to read

    Authors: Gary Berntsen and Ralph Pezzullo

    # ISBN-10: 0307237400
    # ISBN-13: 978-0307237408

    This is an OUTSTANDING book, I really enjoyed reading this one. I found it at goodwill for $0.50 and read through it in 24hrs. It is all about CIA Jawbreaker teams that were in Afghanistan immediately following 9/11 and set up the coup by the Northern Alliance tribes against the Taliban.


    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 5150C6MY87L._SS500_

    Roughneck Nine-One: The Extraordinary Story of a Special Forces A-team at War

    Authors: Hans Halberstadt and Frank Antenori

    # ISBN-10: 0312353332
    # ISBN-13: 978-0312353339

    This one is an interesting account of an SF-ODA team in Iraq during the invasion.

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 9780312353339

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    Post by P-E Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:30 pm

    17. I'm a soldier, too - The Jessica Lynch Story (by Rick Bragg)

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Jessbo10

    "Private First Class Jessica Lynch's capture and rescue during the 2003 war in Iraq captured the attention and captivated the emotions of millions of Americans. Accounts of the actual events surrounding Lynch were wildly varied as some took her to be a symbol of American righteousness while others made her out to be a pawn of the US military. But the Lynch that emerges in Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Rick Bragg's portrayal is an ordinary young woman caught up in an extraordinary series of events. Bragg, who had the cooperation of Lynch and her family in writing I Am a Soldier, Too intersperses her war story with a detailed portrait of the diminutive kid from Palestine, West Virginia who enlisted to see the world. What's truly remarkable about Lynch is how relatively unremarkable she is. She had a normal working class childhood, did fine in high school, performed capably in basic training, made some good friends, met a guy, and, like thousands of her contemporaries, was sent off to a war zone in the Middle East. But the story takes a sharp turn when her vehicle loses the convoy it was following near Nasiriyah, her four fellow soldiers are killed in the subsequent fighting, and Lynch is badly wounded and taken prisoner. Blacking out for three hours, she awakes in an Iraqi hospital where the tensions of war coupled with a lack of resources and a language and culture barrier make for a harrowing stay even as numerous medical personnel defy their own military to protect her and save her life. Finally, American troops captured Nasiriyah, kicked down the hospital doors (even as hospital workers tried to give them a master key) and airlifted Lynch out. Bragg also tells the story of the blue collar West Virginia town of Palestine and the Lynch family who the world watches, first as Jessica goes missing, then when she is rescued, and finally when she returns amid much fanfare. Bragg keeps the story telling pretty simple, avoiding an analysis of how the story was spun or the politics behind the war itself. In the end, Jessica Lynch is not, by her own insistence, a hero. Rather, she is a soldier with a remarkable story of survival to tell. Thankfully, she has now had the opportunity to tell it herself. --John Moe"

    Source : http://www.amazon.com/Am-Soldier-Too-Jessica-Lynch/dp/1400042577

    also exists in french under title "Jessica Lynch - Otage en Irak".

    18. Romeo and Juliet - Baghdad Style (by the couple Ehda'a and Seam Blackwell)

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 51f1kb10

    Sean Blackwell is an american reservist soldier serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Ehda'a is an Iraqi medic. During a patrol, they met them each other. They finally decided to get married during a war time (april 2003). It was really criticized by the military hierarchy and in the same time the Ehda'a family received some death threat from insurgency. Now they live both in USA...

    Also exists in french under title "Roméo Et Juliette de Baghdad".

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    Post by Mercenary25 Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:26 pm

    Moved to the new section. Smile

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by P-E Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:12 am

    There're some interesting books about the USMC in Iraq (and others conflicts) available at this link in full pdf (for free):

    Master Corporal
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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Red Flags

    Post by ScottG Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:00 am

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Red-Flags-9780786442621

    RED FLAGS- A great book by Amer Faris about his time as a conscript in the Iraqi Army in 2003. Fantastic insight into the workings of small units within the Iraqi Army. It is a bit pricey and I cannot post pics yet, but I do recommend it.

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 51VF8QR11AL._SL500_AA300_

    Also, Georges Sada's "SADDAMS SECRETS" book about his time as an Iraqi Air Force General and a Christian, under Saddam Hussein. While it is certainly a view from the top, it is still a good read.


    [edited by P-E to add pictures]

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by P-E Thu May 17, 2012 4:32 am

    All Roads Lead To Baghdad: Army Special Operations Forces in Iraq by Charles H. Briscoe

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 16100410

    "All Roads Lead to Baghdad was written in a clear and concise style, free of military jargon, by U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) historians to document the exploits and achievements of individual Army special operations soldiers and units in their traditional role of supporting the conventional force during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. It is the second in this USASOC series; the first (Weapon of Choice: ARSOF in Afghanistan) chronicled the invasion of Afghanistan shortly after September 11, 2001, and is also reprinted by Paladin Press under the title U.S. Army Special Operations in Afghanistan. This historic book details the planning and direction provided by Gen. Tommy Franks to U.S. Special Operations Command Central and on down the line to the two Combined Joint Special Operations Task Forces (North and West), and a Naval task force - and then, as in all campaigns, how the units and individual soldiers executed their specific missions with courage and skill. To ensure accuracy in their reporting, the authors received unparalleled access to classified documents and personal accounts from soldiers on the battlefield."

    I've this book, started to read it, and this is an amazing and realy well done book ! Recommended to anyone !

    But I'm just little disappointed to see that this so-called history book mention the capture of Saddam Hussein on december 2004, considering the operation Red Dawn was launched one year before, in 2003...We can read it on page 15 : "Saddam was ultimately captured by U.S. forces on 13 december 2004 and imprisoned"...I first though it was a single mistake, but it isn't because the same mistake is repeated on page 17 and also in the timeline shown in the lower part of EACH page...


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    Post by P-E Thu May 17, 2012 4:45 am

    Operation Hotel California: The Clandestine War Inside Iraq by Mike Tucker and Charles S. Faddis

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) 97815910

    "Operation Hotel California is the definitive inside account of the secret CIA mission that paved the way for the Iraq War. Based on exclusive interviews with the team leader, Charles S. Faddis—who retired in 2008 and whose name was publicly revealed in this book for the first time—it is also the most blistering indictment by any U.S. counterterrorism officer of America’s blunders vis-à-vis Al-Qaeda and Iraq. Its lessons are vital as a new administration seeks to withdraw securely from Iraq and fight extremists in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

    The Iraq War most of us know began on March 20, 2003, with the U.S.-led invasion. In fact, it began more than eight months earlier—on July 10, 2002—when eight Americans crossed the Harburr River from Turkey into Kurdistan. Carrying side arms and assault rifles, the CIA counterterrorist team soon linked up with Kurdish peshmerga to commence their mission: strike and kill Al-Qaeda, and take down Saddam Hussein’s Baathist dictatorship.

    They endured almost a year of being denied food, weapons, and ammunition by a NATO ally, Turkey, as they carried out a covert operation with profound consequences on the War on Terror, the Iraq War, and U.S. foreign policy: Operation Hotel California.

    Drawing on exclusive interviews with the man who led the CIA team, Operation Hotel California tells the story of the dangerous mission that paved the way for the invasion of Iraq. In a riveting narrative, much of it in the words of the operation’s leader—publicly identified here for the first time as Charles S. “Sam” Faddis—Mike Tucker chronicles a staggering trail of corruption and incompetence by the Bush White House, from pursuing federal tax cuts rather than Al-Qaeda in spring 2001, to pandering to Turkey at the expense of America’s fight against Saddam and Islamic terrorists.

    With compelling portrayals of the courageous men on Faddis’s team and first-hand accounts of how America’s finest tracked and took down the Mukhabarat assassination squads Saddam had sent to kill them, Operation Hotel California captures fully the thrills and frustrations of hunting the nation’s most fanatical enemies. And—as the most blistering indictment to date by any American counterterrorism officer of the national security blunders vis-à-vis Iraq and Al-Qaeda—it carries lessons that will reverberate in Washington and beyond for years to come.


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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by P-E Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:51 am

    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Dsc02719

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

    Post by Nkomo Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:22 am

     Thanks for the heads up on "Operation Hotel California", P-E.  Just ordered myself a copy. Hadn't been in here for a long time. Laughing 

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    List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present) Empty Re: List of book about OIF (Iraq 2003 to present)

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