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    Recent finds....


    Posts : 3727
    Join date : 2010-01-09
    Age : 36

    Recent finds.... Empty Recent finds....

    Post by Mercenary25 Sun May 16, 2010 9:29 am

    This weekend was fanastic....

    I went to a huge antique show which occurs few times a year because it was on the way to RI. Funny, I planned on visiting my relatives who are living in RI. The night before my departing, my buddy told me about this show and I found out it is right middle of my way so I went in early morning. I found a ton of Vietnam era items, not much of OEF/OIF items. Then in RI, my aunt told me that there is a surplus store nearby so I decided to go with doubts. I imagine that this store would carry crapload of knock-offs or useless european stuff. I was wrong! It is a old school store. So full of good stuff such as Dummy AT-4 for training, spent LAW, TONs of Kevlar helmets, gas masks, DCUs, MARPATs, few vests, RDF shirts, old BDUs, etc.... My cousin and I bought a lot of DCUs. We got ALL of patched Army ones. There's few of Air Force DCUs but eh. Then I found an ACU IOTV body armor vest with two SAPI plates that I just had to get it because it's not flooding the market yet because it's still in use, also for a killer deal. I talked the owner into lowering the price to $160.

    This store's location is perfect because right next to it is Army recuritment center. I figure that some of soldiers probably went in the office for something and there's a store next to it so they sold their old stuff there.

    That day, my cousin officially became a collector. I just taught him how to post on the forum.

    I plan to post my items in the proper sections when I get to home where my familiar computer is at. Laughing
    Master Corporal
    Master Corporal

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    Age : 40
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    Recent finds.... Empty Re: Recent finds....

    Post by bhmilitarycollector84 Sun May 16, 2010 9:58 am

    must be nice , nothing here as usualy , lucky lucky lucky Razz

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