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    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International)


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-05-29
    Location : PA

    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Empty Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International)

    Post by dcottingham38 Wed May 29, 2013 7:38 am

    Well folks- this is my first post here on the forums. *Note* The following news has been public for some time now thus the following shouldn't be in violation of any OpSec. Unfortunately, on May 16, 2013 my close friend and brother was killed by a suicide bomber while riding in a convoy in Kabul. He was with Dyncorp International as a contractor when the event occurred. Any assistance in identifying the patch he is wearing would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure if it's a morale patch or if it's sanctioned. The pic I have is not very clear and my picture is even less clear from distorting it to zoom in on it. But from what I can tell- the patch is a large shield with tan background, it has a purple devil or clown face with green hair a red tongue and possibly white horns with the word "Ranger" or "Raider" it seems above (not clear enough to tell what it says but those are my best guess.)

    I appreciate the help as its very important to me. I wish to get this patch tattooed as a memorial to my fallen brother. Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Photo11

    Posts : 3727
    Join date : 2010-01-09
    Age : 36

    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Empty Re: Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International)

    Post by Mercenary25 Wed May 29, 2013 11:39 am

    Welcome, can you please pot in the introductions section? Thanks!

    Hard to make out of this picture. But extremely familiar. I have seen this design. Which branch and unit did he serve before joined up with Dyncorp?

    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-05-29
    Location : PA

    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Empty Re: Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International)

    Post by dcottingham38 Wed May 29, 2013 11:55 am

    Posted in the Intro section for ya.

    Yes the picture I have currently is awful (i'm working to get a better quality image but it's somewhat sensitive as it's still so fresh in everyone's mind.) I would agree it is a familiar image but I can't seem to track it anywhere.

    He was formerly with the U.S Army 201st Military Intelligence Bde. before he began working for Dyncorp.

    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-05-29
    Location : PA

    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Empty Re: Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International)

    Post by dcottingham38 Wed May 29, 2013 12:16 pm

    Took abother photo of which is a tiny bit clearer but not by much Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Mikes_10

    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-05-29
    Location : PA

    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Empty Updated Photo of Patch- Identification needed

    Post by dcottingham38 Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:24 pm

    UPDATE- Alrighty folks, I was able to get my hands on a larger image which allowed to me to zoom in better on the patch- It says "Raptus" or seize/to seize in Latin (my buddy was a Linguist so this adds up in some manner) also on the bottom it has the letters WH. Again, any help identifying anything relating to the patch would be greatly appreciated.

    Clearer photo included in this post- Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Raptus10

    Posts : 1873
    Join date : 2010-03-20
    Location : Central Illinois

    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Empty Re: Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International)

    Post by kriegsmodell Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:06 pm

    I am truly sorry for your loss and hope that someone here can help you with an identification for this patch ......

    "I looked up at the bunker in front of me and saw a khaki-uniformed NVA with a pith helmet, chest web gear, green Bata boots and an AK, Type 56, and no other identifying insignia. Then I shot him." -- Sergeant Tony "Fast Eddie" Anderson, RT Kansas, TF1AE, 1971

    "My God, where do we find these men?" - President George H. W. Bush commenting on 1st SFOD-Delta after the Operation Acid Gambit rescue of Kurt Muse.

    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me." - Inscription on the dog tag resting on the flag-draped homeward bound casket of an American Special Opearations warrior killed in action in Afghanistan, July 2005. - Dick Couch - Chosen Soldier

    "Choosing to die resisting rather than live submitting they fled only from dishonor and to meet danger face to face." - Lieutenant General John F. Mulholland Jr, USASOC Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Ceremony, 25 May 2012.

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    Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International) Empty Re: Patch ID (Mentor with Dyncorp International)

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