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    French NBC Trousers.

    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

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    French NBC Trousers. Empty French NBC Trousers.

    Post by Easy Gee Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:50 am

    Guys,Here's a pair Sand coloured French training/ NBC Trousers,from my ever expanding French collection, and a picture of the Sand NBC kit in use.

    Anyone know the relevance of the "Instruction" stamp I assume a training thing?

    French NBC Trousers. Dsc07010French NBC Trousers. Dsc07011French NBC Trousers. Dsc07012French NBC Trousers. Dsc07013French NBC Trousers. French10

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    French NBC Trousers. Empty Re: French NBC Trousers.

    Post by JYN Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:57 pm

    Hello Gary,

    Never seen one of these before.... I guess it is for training recruits too ... this is probably originally store in a protective plastic bag... instead of opening one, they sacrified few for training.

    Gary, now you have to find the top with the INSTRUCTION stamp to go with...


    French NBC Trousers. Nbc10
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

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    French NBC Trousers. Empty Re: French NBC Trousers.

    Post by Easy Gee Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:40 am

    Superb info Jean-Yves, I spent hours trying to find a suitable reference picture too, so thanks for that.

    Regarding the matching smock..the theme tune to Mission impossible springs to mind Laughing

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    French NBC Trousers. Empty Re: French NBC Trousers.

    Post by nico62fr Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:45 am

    Hello Gary

    this NBC suit was manufactured especially for the Gulf War. At the beginning of the war, the French Army only had the Army Green suit. It was manufactured by Paul Boyé too.

    During the conflict, Paul Boyé manufactured the sand suit, with a different cloth (more confortable I believe because the green suit had a black "carbonated" inside.

    After the Gulf War, these suits were still in use (and manufactured as yours is dated 1994), and yours was for INSTRUCTION.

    I have pictures of mine, but I can't upload pictures before 7 days, as I am new in the forum.

    But I don't think they were in Afghanistan, as the Talibans were not supposed to have NBC weapons.
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Posts : 3234
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    French NBC Trousers. Empty Re: French NBC Trousers.

    Post by Easy Gee Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:17 pm

    nico62fr wrote:Hello Gary

    this NBC suit was manufactured especially for the Gulf War. At the beginning of the war, the French Army only had the Army Green suit. It was manufactured by Paul Boyé too.

    During the conflict, Paul Boyé manufactured the sand suit, with a different cloth (more confortable I believe because the green suit had a black "carbonated" inside.

    After the Gulf War, these suits were still in use (and manufactured as yours is dated 1994), and yours was for INSTRUCTION.

    I have pictures of mine, but I can't upload pictures before 7 days, as I am new in the forum.

    But I don't think they were in Afghanistan, as the Talibans were not supposed to have NBC weapons.

    Thanks Nico, that is excellent information on the origins and evolution of NBC suits, and the information regarding these suits in Afghanistan is very interesting, and puits things into perspective...great information as ever Nico Very Happy

    I look forward to your postings, I feel I will enhance my knowledge of French militaria from you and your future postings.

    Encore une fois vos informations est le plus apprécié mon ami.


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