As I've already posted some of my challenge coins from my time in 5th Special Forces Group, I'd like to show the rest of my coins.
I recently bought a nice display frame for my coins, which I mounted on my Man Cave wall.
To take it a step further, I individually mounted some of my coins with the identifying unit patch (and in some cases beret flash) for each unit I served with during my 28 years in uniform.
This display case is mounted on my wall. above my desk:
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The first two units I was assigned to (as an Army Reservist 1980-1986) - 11th Special Forces Group (Airborne); 5th Infantry Platoon (Pathfinder)(Airborne):
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I entered Active duty U.S. Army 1986. I was with the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) 1986 to 1997; 8th Army (Korea) 1997-1998; I Corps G2 (1998-2001):
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101st Airborne Division (2001-2004); U.S. Central Command (12-month temporary duty, 2002-2003); then "back home" with the 5th Special Forces Group until I retired from the military in 2008:
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I recently bought a nice display frame for my coins, which I mounted on my Man Cave wall.
To take it a step further, I individually mounted some of my coins with the identifying unit patch (and in some cases beret flash) for each unit I served with during my 28 years in uniform.
This display case is mounted on my wall. above my desk:
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The first two units I was assigned to (as an Army Reservist 1980-1986) - 11th Special Forces Group (Airborne); 5th Infantry Platoon (Pathfinder)(Airborne):
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I entered Active duty U.S. Army 1986. I was with the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) 1986 to 1997; 8th Army (Korea) 1997-1998; I Corps G2 (1998-2001):
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101st Airborne Division (2001-2004); U.S. Central Command (12-month temporary duty, 2002-2003); then "back home" with the 5th Special Forces Group until I retired from the military in 2008:
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