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    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer

    Chief Corporal
    Chief Corporal

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    Location : Pueblo, CO

    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Empty Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer

    Post by sargencolo Mon May 25, 2015 11:30 pm

    I bought this pouch awhile back at the flea market. It seemed interesting at the time. I have not been able to identify the manufacturer due to:
    1. The pouch is sterile.
    2. I have dated this pouch from the buckle to late 90s', i.e. usually harder to date older items.

    I am certain this is a radio pouch because of its construction. It has a unusual top flap, when closed, that leaves a hole in the top of pouch.
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4410

    I have circled the area that makes me think its a radio pouch.
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4411

    Buckles. The stitching looks, in my opinion, really good.
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4412
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4413
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4414

    The rest of these pictures lead me to believe that this pouch may be rigger made, or? If the buckle dates are relatively true, there wasn't PALS available at this time?
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4415
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4416

    Strap material seems "cheap", however sturdy.
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4417
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4418

    The two horizontal PALS straps seem to have been burned (like you burn paracord ends).
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4419

    Also, there is some obscure lettering. I didn't notice these letters/numbers until I took the photos.
    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Img_4420

    Any thoughts?
    Master Corporal
    Master Corporal

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    Location : Nashville, TN

    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Empty Re: Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer

    Post by anelles Tue May 26, 2015 2:42 am

    These are for ICOM radios.
    Chief Corporal
    Chief Corporal

    Posts : 105
    Join date : 2013-02-05
    Location : Pueblo, CO

    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Empty Re: Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer

    Post by sargencolo Tue May 26, 2015 7:14 am

    Thanks anelles. After looking into ICOM radios, I see they are you average police/fire comms radio. Do you have any thoughts or opinions on the manufacturer of the pouch?
    Master Corporal
    Master Corporal

    Posts : 299
    Join date : 2012-05-27
    Location : Nashville, TN

    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Empty Re: Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer

    Post by anelles Tue May 26, 2015 12:57 pm

    I think these came with some of the ICOM radios used by the military.

    If you look up photos of Marines in Iraq circa 2003-2004, you will see tons of ICOMs in use. Most of the time in a different case, which is black with a clear vinyl front.

    I think these green cases came into use later on, about the time the radios were phased out.

    When I was a Civil Air Patrol cadet, around 2003 we got a lot of ICOMs handed down to us from the military, and some arrived with the black pouches, some came in the green pouches like you have.

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    Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer Empty Re: Radio pouch/unknown manufacturer

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