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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

    Bird Child
    Bird Child

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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  Empty A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

    Post by Bird Child Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:31 pm

    I'm not an Iraqi collector but, I buy a lot of groups from vets. I got this in a grouping from a 25th ID guy. He traded Iraqi soldiers stuff to get these. Really cool Iraqi Patches not sure if there rare or worth much but, I think there cool.  I guess I have an instant collection now.Most of them are really worn just couldn't capture that much detail cat 
    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  DSCN2171_zps0fe0c80d
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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  DSCN2176_zpse2907266

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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  Empty Re: A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

    Post by artur95 Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:47 pm

    I'm not sure about their rarity, but that is an awesome collection of patches! I recently bought 4 from a 28th ID veteran and they all had the same crude stitching.
    Staff Sergeant Class II
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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  Empty Re: A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

    Post by airborne1968 Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:05 pm

    Considering the number of new patches being made simply to sell to collectors on ebay, this is a really nice used set of patches with provenance. Still worth a pretty penny. Tom

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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  Empty Re: A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

    Post by kriegsmodell Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:49 pm

    airborne1968 wrote:Considering the number of new patches being made simply to sell to collectors on ebay, this is a really nice used set of patches with provenance. Still worth a pretty penny.  Tom

    What Tomas said +1 .....

    "I looked up at the bunker in front of me and saw a khaki-uniformed NVA with a pith helmet, chest web gear, green Bata boots and an AK, Type 56, and no other identifying insignia. Then I shot him." -- Sergeant Tony "Fast Eddie" Anderson, RT Kansas, TF1AE, 1971

    "My God, where do we find these men?" - President George H. W. Bush commenting on 1st SFOD-Delta after the Operation Acid Gambit rescue of Kurt Muse.

    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me." - Inscription on the dog tag resting on the flag-draped homeward bound casket of an American Special Opearations warrior killed in action in Afghanistan, July 2005. - Dick Couch - Chosen Soldier

    "Choosing to die resisting rather than live submitting they fled only from dishonor and to meet danger face to face." - Lieutenant General John F. Mulholland Jr, USASOC Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Ceremony, 25 May 2012.

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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  Empty Re: A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

    Post by Zeked Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:51 am

    kriegsmodell wrote:
    airborne1968 wrote:Considering the number of new patches being made simply to sell to collectors on ebay, this is a really nice used set of patches with provenance. Still worth a pretty penny.  Tom

    What Tomas said +1 .....

    Tomas is correct; I have several of these patches and all are brand new. Does not get much better than used purchased from a vet. Thanks Clete
    Bird Child
    Bird Child

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    Location : U.S

    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  Empty Re: A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

    Post by Bird Child Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:33 am

    Thanks guys I found an hanging shadow box for them they display very nice.

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    A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches  Empty Re: A Bunch of Worn Iraqi Patches

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