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    Helmet Bring-Back Piece....

    Chief Warrant Officer Class I
    Chief Warrant Officer Class I

    Posts : 1661
    Join date : 2011-03-12
    Location : East Coast US

    Helmet  Bring-Back Piece.... Empty Helmet Bring-Back Piece....

    Post by MyZone Wed May 15, 2013 5:45 pm

    This one was recently picked-up from a third party who stated it was their father's (recently retired SF).

    There is a medivac call call under the padding, so I fiqure the SF guy was wearing this helmet at some point in time.

    I'm pretty sure this is one issued to the Iraqis, I could be wrong.....but here it is anyway.


    Helmet  Bring-Back Piece.... 100_5210

    Helmet  Bring-Back Piece.... 100_5211

    Helmet  Bring-Back Piece.... 100_5212

    Helmet  Bring-Back Piece.... 100_5213

      Current date/time is Sun Dec 08, 2024 3:32 am