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    Afghanistan Army adopts new camouflage uniform.


    Posts : 3727
    Join date : 2010-01-09
    Age : 36

    Afghanistan Army adopts new camouflage uniform. Empty Afghanistan Army adopts new camouflage uniform.

    Post by Mercenary25 Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:15 am

    Afghanistan Army adopts new camouflage uniform. Afghan-forest-11

    The Afghan National Army has adopted a new camouflage combat uniform recently, called “Afghan Forest”. Allegedly President Karzai requested the new Afghan uniform to look similar to the US ACU, the new Afghan uniform has a normal shirt-style collar however. The new uniform features a different coloration of the pec4ce Forest camo pattern from HyperStealth Biotechnology Corporation out of Canada. So why not choose a desert colored camo which seems more logical for the Afghan terrain? Well Afghan National Army wanted a color that was not “desert” so that their soldiers were easier to distinguish from the various foreign troops operating currently in Afghanistan.
    November 29, 2009

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