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    ISOF and ICTF patches

    Master Corporal
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    ISOF and ICTF patches Empty ISOF and ICTF patches

    Post by taucco Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:30 am

    i recently bought these as a set from a goodwill ebay store. There were also other soldier's item for sale, but nothing worth of buying or that would tell more story about it.
    Do you know why there is ISOF/2 written, instead of the normal ISOF i usually see? Could it be for their 2nd battalion?
    ISOF and ICTF patches Kgrhqz11

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    ISOF and ICTF patches Empty Re: ISOF and ICTF patches

    Post by kriegsmodell Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:52 am

    Iraqi Special Operations Force (ISOF) formed its 2nd ISOF Brigade in 2008 - 2009. The 2nd Brigade controls the Regional Commando Battalions and includes a garrison support unit of 766 personnel. These battalions are 440 personnel plus a 60 man support detachment and a Regional Counter-Terrorism Center. The brigade includes the Regional Commando Battalions in Basrah, Mosul, Diyala, and Al Asad.

    "I looked up at the bunker in front of me and saw a khaki-uniformed NVA with a pith helmet, chest web gear, green Bata boots and an AK, Type 56, and no other identifying insignia. Then I shot him." -- Sergeant Tony "Fast Eddie" Anderson, RT Kansas, TF1AE, 1971

    "My God, where do we find these men?" - President George H. W. Bush commenting on 1st SFOD-Delta after the Operation Acid Gambit rescue of Kurt Muse.

    "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me." - Inscription on the dog tag resting on the flag-draped homeward bound casket of an American Special Opearations warrior killed in action in Afghanistan, July 2005. - Dick Couch - Chosen Soldier

    "Choosing to die resisting rather than live submitting they fled only from dishonor and to meet danger face to face." - Lieutenant General John F. Mulholland Jr, USASOC Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Ceremony, 25 May 2012.

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    ISOF and ICTF patches Empty Re: ISOF and ICTF patches

    Post by Mercenary25 Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:57 am

    Nice patches!
    Sergeant Class I
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    ISOF and ICTF patches Empty Re: ISOF and ICTF patches

    Post by BM Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:43 pm

    Here is my Post 2003, Iraqi Special Operations Command Patch.
    Translation above: the Second Special Operations Command
    Middle: the Special Operations
    The patch has ISOF/2 on it but nowhere in the translation is the word
    Force used. Strange.

    ISOF and ICTF patches Isof-210

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