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    Polish TF 50 theater made patch


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    Polish TF 50 theater made patch Empty Polish TF 50 theater made patch

    Post by Mercenary25 Wed May 16, 2012 11:47 pm

    Theater made needs to be IDed.

    USSF/airborne inspired skull with green beret and wings. After looking closely at badge, it resembled of SAS badge. TF 50 could be a fantasy unit, I tried to research on it but unable to come up with anything. And with "Afghanistan 2011". It is highly likely made as souvenir item. It has velcro backing.

    Polish TF 50 theater made patch Downlo10

    Last edited by Mercenary25 on Thu May 17, 2012 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Polish TF 50 theater made patch Empty Re: Polish TF 50 theater made patch

    Post by P-E Thu May 17, 2012 3:57 am

    I can't agree with you ! The insignia on his beret doesn't look like the SAS badge, but like this one ;

    Polish TF 50 theater made patch 1t7dok10

    This is the Polish commando insignia Wink

    Polish TF 50 theater made patch 115794d1276935135t-polish-ww2-exile-cap-eagles-comando

    Here's a picture where you can see the beret with this insignia :

    In addition to this, I've searched the Task Force 50, and I found a few informations about it ;

    "There are currently two task forces from Polish Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: TF-49, staffed by GROM counter-terrorist operators and TF-50, which is the commando unit, both of whom receive their taskings from ISAF SOCOM" - Read more: http://kitup.military.com/2012/01/polish-commandos-afghanistan.html

    "Task Force 50 (ISAF SOF) in Ghazni Province, Paktika Province (Poland), a part of Regional Command East (HQ in Bagram Airfield)" - from Wikipedia

    "Poland has two Special Forces groups in Ghazni: Task Force 49 and Task Force 50
    415 soldiers served in OMLT and POMLT". - from http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?188423-Summary-of-VII-Polish-Army-s-rotation-in-Afghanistan

    "High intensity of operations conducted by Polish Special Forces Combat Teams supported by the soldiers of the Polish Task Force, brings positive effects for the whole ISAF operation.
    In a recent special operation deployed troops of Special Forces of Lubliniec, so-called TF-50, and soldiers from the Polish Task Force intercepted and destroyed a few hundred kilograms of explosives and several improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Having reviewed the results of the operation the ISAF commander in Afghanistan Gen. David Petraeus sent personal thanks to the Commander of TF-50.
    The American commander assessed the operation as: "excellent, which undoubtedly saved the lives of many people".
    Special words of recognition General Petraeus directed to the group TF-50 for operations carried out jointly with the Afghan Police.
    During one of these operations, several persons suspected of conducting attacks against coalition forces were detained. One of the arrested militants was on the list of primary objectives of the ISAF operation. He was responsible for plotting terrorist activities in Ghazni province, including the preparation and management of attacks on Coalition forces.
    As a result of the operation large amounts of cash designed for financing terrorist activities and weaponry were taken over.
    This is the second important Taliban leader detained by soldiers from Lubliniec. In September 2010 in the Andar district, they captured a Taliban "ace", for which the words of recognition directed to them NATO Special Forces Commander Gen. Frank Kisner.
    According to General Petraeus - commander in Afghanistan "an unprecedented rate of special operations conducted by Coalition forces in Afghanistan began the process of the collapse of Taliban morale and cohesion of their operations”.
    Operational activity of the Polish Task Force and the task groups of the Special Forcesin the ISAF operation has led to a noticeable decrease in the number of attacks on Coalition forces and thus on the improvement of security in the province of Ghazni." - from http://www.shadowspear.com/vb/threads/1st-commando-regiment-poland.6229/page-3

    Chief Corporal
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    Polish TF 50 theater made patch Empty Re: Polish TF 50 theater made patch

    Post by rsunday Thu May 17, 2012 10:26 am

    Yes, TF 50 is one of two ISAF SOF Polish units in Afghanistan. It is formed by Commando Special Unit.
    Enclosed patch is a fantasy one.

    The photo shows Commander of Commando Special Unit. Most of Polish SOF units (except GROM and FORMOZA) wear green beret with SOF eagle.

    It comes from WW II period when Polish Commandos used to wear British Commando green beret but with Polish eagle (like on second photo) - all other Polish soldiers wear beret with eagle badge in the center of beret.

    Modern SOF eagle badge looks like this:



    Posts : 3727
    Join date : 2010-01-09
    Age : 36

    Polish TF 50 theater made patch Empty Re: Polish TF 50 theater made patch

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu May 17, 2012 10:49 am

    Interesting! Thanks for IDing it. Since it is Polish, I'll be selling it.

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