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    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan?

    Chief Corporal
    Chief Corporal

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    Location : Poland

    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Empty Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan?

    Post by rsunday Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:10 pm

    Can anybody identify enclosed patches?

    All comes from Afghanistan.

    This para patch was bought in Bagram:
    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Para_u10

    Those 2 patches were bought in Kabul:
    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Mos-ii10

    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Cjtf_h10

    Thanks for any comments.


    Chief Corporal
    Chief Corporal

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    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Empty Re: Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan?

    Post by rsunday Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:52 am

    A few unknown para patches from Afghanistan:

    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Uknown10

    Chief Corporal
    Chief Corporal

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    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Empty Re: Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan?

    Post by rsunday Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:52 am


    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Unkns10

    Any idea?

    Chief Corporal
    Chief Corporal

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    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Empty Re: Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan?

    Post by vicka1971 Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:35 am

    rsunday wrote:Another:

    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Unkns10

    Any idea?


    Hey Rafal,

    I am think this is Sweden patch( those 3 crowns on right side). Vitalis
    Chief Corporal
    Chief Corporal

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    Location : Poland

    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Empty Re: Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan?

    Post by rsunday Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:04 am

    Last orange patch is rather airsoft team related.
    The symbols come fom Alzace region in France, FSA means "Forces Speciales de l'Alsace" - Special Forces of Alsace.
    It make sense as I saw a few different patches for airsoft teams made in Kabul.
    But why? As a curiosity?
    There is a webpage of such a team:



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    Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan? Empty Re: Can you ID Coalition patches from Afghanistan?

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