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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)


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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Empty Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)

    Post by P-E Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:36 am

    I think pictures are a good way to identify uniforms (,...), so here're some pictures I found on internet today :

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar10

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar11

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar12

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar13

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar14

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar15

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar16

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar17

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar18

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar19

    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Bulgar21

    Pictures come from : http://usoinkuwait.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html
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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Empty Re: Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)

    Post by ladrang Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:33 pm

    Hi PE thanks for posting very interesting camo, it looks like to the US camo 3 colors Wink

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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Empty Re: Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)

    Post by P-E Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:07 pm

    Thanks for your comment Ladrang. And you have right, it seems that some soldiers from some other countries wear desert combat uniform. The design of uniform is often different, but the same camouflage. Even if I don't collect uniforms from other nation than USA, I think these pictures are interesting to see the variantions in uniforms.
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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Empty Re: Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)

    Post by omaha Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:14 pm

    Thanks for these pictures P-E.

    I thought that busgaria had it'S own camo.

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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Empty Re: Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)

    Post by Ben Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:17 pm

    I didn't know the Bulgarians wore 3-colour desert camo; I always thought they had their own desert DPM-ish uniform.
    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) BULGARIANDESERT20101C
    (Photo from forum member bond007a1)

    Great photos, Pierre!
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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Empty Re: Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)

    Post by ladrang Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:56 pm

    Ben wrote:I didn't know the Bulgarians wore 3-colour desert camo; I always thought they had their own desert DPM-ish uniform.

    Great photos, Pierre!

    Thanks ben for sharing this camo pattern, so they give two different kind of desert pattern Wink
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    Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures) Empty Re: Bulgaria troops in Afghanistan (pictures)

    Post by omaha Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:49 pm

    omaha wrote:Thanks for these pictures P-E.

    I thought that Bulgaria had it'S own camo.

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