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Jim McCauley
9 posters

    Letter A


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    Letter A Empty Letter A

    Post by P-E Thu May 19, 2011 12:21 pm

    NOTE : if you'll find quickly a word or an abbreviation make "CTRL+F" and enter the word / abbreviation. This quick method can be used for microsoft words files, website, forums,...

    AA anti-aircraft
    AAA Anti-aircraft artillery "Triple A"
    AAAV Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
    AAD Armoured Amphibious Dozer
    AAG Anti-aircraft gun
    AARADCOM Army Armament Research and Development Command
    AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicle
    AB Airborne / Armored Brigade
    ABC Atomic, Biological, Chemical (replaced by chemical, biological, radiological (CBR), and Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC))
    AB(C) Aviation Battalion (Combat)
    ABM Air Bursting Munition
    ABM Anti-ballistic missile
    ABMS Air Bursting Munition System
    ABSV Armoured Battlegroup Support Vehicle
    A/C Aircraft commander
    ACA Ammunition Container Assembly
    ACCE Abrams/Crusader Common Engine
    ACCV Armored Cavalry Cannon Vehicle
    ACE Armored Combat Earthmover
    ACH Advanced Combat Helmet (MICH TC-2000 Combat Helmet)
    ACOG Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight
    ACP Automatic Colt Pistol
    ACR Advanced Combat Rifle
    ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment
    ACRV Armoured Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle
    ACS Artillery Communications System
    ACU Army Combat Uniform
    ACV Aardvark Cleaning Vehicle
    ACV Armoured Combat Vehicle
    ACVT Armored Combat Vehicle Technology Program
    ADA Air Defense Artillery
    ADAM Area Denial Artillery Munition
    ADAMS Air Defense Advanced Mobile System
    ADATS Air Defence Anti-Tank System
    ADC-A Assistant Division Commander - Fire and Maneuver
    ADC-B Assistant Division Commander - Combat Support
    ADEA Army Development and Employment Agency
    AEF Allied Expeditionary Force
    AESA Active Electronically Scanned Array
    AEV armoured engineer vehicle
    AF Air Force
    AFA/ARA Aerial Field Artillery/Aerial Rocket Artillery
    AFARV Armored, Forward Area, Re-arm Vehicle
    AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System
    AFCS Automatic Fire-Control Systems
    AFD automatic feeding device
    AFSC Air Force Specialty Code
    AFSV Armoured Fire Support Vehicle
    AFV Armoured fighting vehicle
    AGC Automatic Gain Control
    AGF Army Ground Forces
    AGL Automatic Grenade Launcher
    AGLS Automatic Gun Laying System
    AGS Armored Gun System
    AGV Assault Gun Vehicle
    AGVT Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology
    AHC Attack Helicopter Company
    AICW Advanced Individual Combat Weapon
    AIFS Advanced Indirect Fire System
    AIFV armoured infantry fighting vehicle
    AIPS Advanced Integrated Propulsion System
    ALAAVS Advanced Light Armored/Amphibious Vehicle System
    ALC Advanced Land Combat
    ALICE All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
    ALS Advanced Laying System
    ALSV Armoured Logistics Support Vehicle
    ALT Armoured Launching Turret
    AMC Army Materiel Command
    AMCCOM Armament Munitions and Chemical Command
    AMOS Advanced Mortar System
    AMR Anti-materiel rifle
    AMRWS Advanced Multi-Role Weapon Station
    AMS Armoured Mortar System
    AMS-H Advanced Missile System - Heavy
    AP Anti-Personnel / Armour-piercing
    APC armoured personnel carrier
    APERS anti-personnel
    APG Aberdeen Proving Grounds
    APGM Autonomous Precision-Guided Munition
    APHC armour-piercing hard core
    APHE armour-piercing high explosive
    API armour-piercing incendiary
    APM anti-personnel mine
    APS Advanced Propulsion System
    APS Artillery Pointing System
    APV armoured patrol vehicle
    AR Assault Rifle / armored regiment
    AR/AAV Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle
    ARD Anti-Reflective Device
    ARDEC Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
    ARETS Armour Remote Target System
    ARRADCOM Armament Research and Development Command
    ARRV Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle
    ARSV Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle
    ART Armoured Recon Transport
    ARV armoured recovery vehicle or Armed Robotic Vehicle
    ASA Advanced Security Agency
    ASV Armored Security Vehicle
    ASV ammunition supply vehicle
    AT anti-tank
    ATACS Advanced Tank Cannon System
    ATAS Automatic Target Acquisition System
    ATG Anti-tank gun
    ATGL Anti-tank grenade launcher
    ATGM Anti-tank guided missile
    ATGW Anti-tank guided weapon
    ATLAS Advanced Technology Light Artillery System
    ATLV Artillery Target Location Vehicle
    ATM Anti-tank mine
    ATTC All Terrain Tracked Carrier
    ATTS Air Transportable Towed System
    ATV All-terrain vehicle
    AVF Armoured Fighting Vehicle
    AVH Armoured Vehicle Heavy
    AVL Armoured Vehicle Light
    AVLB armoured vehicle-launched bridge
    AVM Armoured Vehicle Medium
    AVR armoured vehicle reconnaissance
    AVT Advanced Vehicle Technologies

    "As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They're not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time. You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up..." - Donald Rumsfeld (Camp Buehring, KU - Dec. 8, 2004)

    See my current collection of desert SSI HERE
    See my current collection of desert Badges (ranks, qualification badges, Branch of Service) HERE
    See my files in PDF on scribd.com HERE
    See my collection of jackets HERE
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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by jimed Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:22 pm

    ACB- Amphibious Construction Battalion.
    ABLATS- Amphibious Bulk Lighterage And Transfer System
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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by HoovieDude Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:03 pm

    AA = Assembly Area ( or Alpha Alpha)
    AO = Area of Operations

    Two of the more commonly used terms at the operational level. Or used to be. AO is/was used in a generic basis as well. Meaning your immediate areas of work, or living, etc.."Square away your AO before recall formation" for example.
    Jim McCauley
    Jim McCauley

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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by Jim McCauley Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:33 pm

    AHB - Assault Helicopter Battalion
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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by 31TKComd Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:47 am

    AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System

    I though they also used:
    ABN - Airborne Division

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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by Darktrooper Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:15 am

    ABN is abbreviated for Airborne.
    ABNDIV is Airborne Division

    AAR is After Action Review

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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by PathfinderMilitaria Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:51 am

    Darktrooper I thought AAR was After Action Report. or is that the old meaning?

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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by RedLegGI Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:30 pm

    Alpha - First letter of the military alphabet can refer to a unit, individual or location and possibly more.

    AFATDS - Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System


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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by Darktrooper Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:34 pm

    Able506th wrote:Darktrooper I thought AAR was After Action Report. or is that the old meaning?

    Its both, its used interchangeably.

    Honorably Discharged US Army Veteran
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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by Mercenary25 Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:18 pm

    AAV is also an abbreviation for Amphibious Assault Vest, part of USMC FSBE I system.
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    Letter A Empty Re: Letter A

    Post by PathfinderMilitaria Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:01 pm

    Thanks for the info.

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