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    Afghan National Army Sleeping Bag and Stuff Sack


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    Afghan National Army Sleeping Bag and Stuff Sack Empty Afghan National Army Sleeping Bag and Stuff Sack

    Post by Nkomo Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:56 pm

    This is an obscure piece of militaria from Afghanistan.  This is an Afghan National Army sleeping bag and stuff sack.  It appears to be a copy of the US sleep system, but am not sure if it ever came with a Gore-Tex cover or not.  I have asked a good friend of mine about these and he said he never saw these in use.
    The bag itself doesn't really feel much heavier than a military issue "Woobie".  I'm not even sure what temperature rating it would be.  Believe it or not, it is of a decent quality and I'd have no issue using it.

    The company that made these sleeping bags and sack is Sarco-Abad out of Kabul Afghanistan.  Apparently, Sarco-Abad was an Afghan women owned company whose work force was 97% women as well.  They made uniforms, socks, sleeping bags, and clothing type items.  It seems that they had at least a small contract to make these sleeping bags for the ANA, but am not sure how big the contract was.  Seeing how they were a female owned company, I'm not sure how that would have been received in Afghanistan and may be a factor as to why they didn't get a lot of contracts.

    If you go to Sarco-Abad's FB page, the last post was from 2012 and it links you to an article about how many workers were facing the  loss of their jobs.  I'm not sure how old this sleeping bag is, but it seems it would be prior to 2012.  I'm betting around 2010 time period.
    I am going to include a few links about the Sarco-Abad Company here in case someone wants to read about them.




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    Location : St Paul, MN

    Afghan National Army Sleeping Bag and Stuff Sack Empty Re: Afghan National Army Sleeping Bag and Stuff Sack

    Post by Zeked Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:10 am

    You certainly find some obscure stuff Arch; never thought of a sleeping bag before but
    it makes sense given the quantity of mountains in Afghanistan. Pretty little known
    piece of gear for the ANA. Thanks for sharing this bag! Clete

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    Posts : 4797
    Join date : 2010-01-09
    Location : USA

    Afghan National Army Sleeping Bag and Stuff Sack Empty Re: Afghan National Army Sleeping Bag and Stuff Sack

    Post by Nkomo Wed Oct 07, 2020 3:24 pm

    Thank you kindly!

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