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    Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile

    Sergeant Class II
    Sergeant Class II

    Posts : 492
    Join date : 2015-01-03
    Location : Tennessee

    Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile Empty Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile

    Post by bryanbg Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:25 pm

    While out accompanying our BDOC on a routine presence patrol outside BIAP in 2007, metal detector hit on some metal in a large cow manure pile.  Determined that it wasn't an IED.

    The BDOC CO knew that I occasionally collected old military junk and pointed it out to me.  I literally dug this helmet out of a huge pile of dirt and cow poop!

    Cleaned it best I could and brought it home.  Its steel and appears to be old Soviet style.  Not certain if the Iraqis wore this particular type, or if it had been a 'bring back' from the Iraq-Iraq war.

    Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile <a href=Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile 20140519_120157" />

    Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile <a href=Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile 20140519_120215" />

    Posts : 2496
    Join date : 2011-01-06
    Location : St Paul, MN

    Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile Empty Re: Old Helmet Pulled from a Dung Pile

    Post by Zeked Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:22 pm

    Wow first time I have heard of finding a relic in a dug pile! I understand why you kept it and cleaned it up given where you found it. But collectors do things like that and don't think twice about it!! Thanks for the neat story!

      Current date/time is Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:17 pm