by Static line Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:48 am
Doctrinal terms (and employment of capabilities) varies vastly from service to service.. Drew Chaney's description varies slightly from mine, but this is certainly not to suggest he is wrong - he absolutely has some expertise in the field.
In the US, PSYOP, Cyber, Public Affairs, Combat Camera, and Deception are Information Related Capabilties. IO merely synchronizes and deconflicts these functions. IO can help plan operations, but S/G/J7's are staff - not commanders of forces. IO is often used incorrectly, as a term to cover one of the IRC functions. This typically means PSYOP when misused.
Yes, IO is also IIA (but the Functional Area 30 course is still called IO, as are the joint publications. for now) Army PSYOP soldiers, in PSYOP units, conduct MISO.