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    Afghan Communist Medals

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    Afghan Communist Medals Empty Afghan Communist Medals

    Post by airborne1968 Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:36 pm

    When I deployed to AFghanistan in 2007 I felt like I was missing out on the hobby so I went to the local bazaar and found other forms of collecting to satisfy my collecting gravings. This is the end result of 24 months in AFG. Now a days you can't find medals like these over here. Sure there are some medals but the ribbons are trashed or they are Russian commemoratives and not Afghan Commie medals.

    If anyone remembers the movie "The Beast" they'll remember these stars being worn on one of the Muj coats.

    Afghan Communist Medals June_212

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    Afghan Communist Medals Empty Re: Afghan Communist Medals

    Post by Bluehawk Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:14 pm

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    Afghan Communist Medals Empty Re: Afghan Communist Medals

    Post by Schottzie Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:29 pm

    I remember seeing Rusian medals while there in the "antique stores" in the bazaar as well....too bad they were asking an arm and a leg for them in 2010.
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    Afghan Communist Medals Empty Re: Afghan Communist Medals

    Post by 2/1kiwi Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:05 pm

    Mate I think those first 3 are the Order of the Star or Afghanistan Star, I picked some up in Bamian in 04. Sold them to a collecter in Australia for a LOT of money. Should be some engraving on the backs as well. I paid 5 US for mine.


    Staff Sergeant Class II
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    Afghan Communist Medals Empty Re: Afghan Communist Medals

    Post by airborne1968 Thu Sep 11, 2014 12:00 pm

    Dan, # 1 and #3 are completely correct.  There are two versions w and w/o konar (see the front bottom center) and my #1 is the rare version. The others have the wrong ribbon but are marked with the class on the back and still fetch hundreds of dollars each.  I've sold off some of these since I posted the pic though I still have one of each medal and class of each medal. Even the blue order of glory is a hard to find and expensive piece.  The early years were the time to pick them up after 2008 they were hard to find at a decent price. Some collectors began self actuated bleeding hearts and started offering western collector prices to the locals; driving up the prices. If I sell them they're going as a complete lot.  Thanks for the comment.

    BTW, I traded my small TV to the vendor for the gold star. Tom

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