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    1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used?

    Master Corporal
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    1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used? Empty 1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used?

    Post by CamoDeafie Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:50 pm

    theres a rather interesting vest on gunbroker auction site...located in Pensacola, Florida..
    I wonder if any Military units could have worn this in place of the venerable PASGT to be more mobile...the date is right before the unit-wide issuance of the IBA system, or during that time...
    the only thing that bugs me about this is that its shoulder straps are elastic..the blue version my dad got from the local PD has the same elastic straps and it was designed to be worn underneath clothes..Merc thinks it coulve been sheriff used..what do you experts say? my opinion on this is that its mainly police dept..such as Sheriff's Depts or State troopers..as they usually also have khaki/brown uniforms
    what's interesting is that the source site for the image says "Pens Mil Surp" short for Pensacola's Military Surplus...we know police gear also find their way into surplus stores as well..so who knows for sure?

    1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used? GBArm001
    Chief Master Corporal
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    1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used? Empty Re: 1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used?

    Post by JKin Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:20 pm

    This is commercial, most likely LEO used. Other companies make concealable cut armor carriers that have armor plate pockets which are used by guys down range such as Paraclete and Mayflower.
    Master Corporal
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    1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used? Empty Re: 1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used?

    Post by CamoDeafie Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:07 pm

    JKin wrote:This is commercial, most likely LEO used. Other companies make concealable cut armor carriers that have armor plate pockets which are used by guys down range such as Paraclete and Mayflower.


    10 years ago...what did the Operators use if the IBA were not quite widespread-used and the PASGTs were still issued? i figure other than SPEAR BALCS and Ranger Body Armor; Commercial-Off-The-Shelf items with the Rapid Deployment Initiative wouldve been acceptable, no? hence, my question on whether units couldve used the vest in question around 1997-2001ish....
    I mean really. a 1988 dated Point Blank vest sold on gunbroker for 180 bucks and it had US Navy stamped on it..it's NOT a plate carrier/MOLLE/High Speed gearwhore thing lol.
    Chief Master Corporal
    Chief Master Corporal

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    1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used? Empty Re: 1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used?

    Post by JKin Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:27 am

    During that time period, the RBA and BALCS weren't the only armor carriers around that were available to SOF operators. Paraclete and AWS were making carriers then that were vary popular with those types of units. Even when the IBA came out it was vary rare that SF soldiers used then. The IBA was a down grade earlier vests like the PBPV, AWS and Paraclete DA armor systems, this one model of safariland carrier to name a few.

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    1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used? Empty Re: 1997 dated ballistic vest, desert tan....police or military used?

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